

In 1971 the United States was taken off the gold standard, creating the ability for the US and other countries alike to print an endless supply of money. On January 3rd, 2009, the first 'Genesis' block in the Bitcoin blockchain was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto with the hidden message: "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks. The photographic project 'Genesis' is an inventory of fragments of an unfolding societal story; it has both a metaphorical and historical narrative. The ancient landscape becomes the backdrop for the inordinate amount of energy used from our planet to power the emergence of the non-physical entity; Bitcoin, and our future relationship with cryptocurrency and money. The two portraits included in this work, expose more of the narrative around societal relevance of the emergence of a financial disruptor. Whereby the soundscape evokes a visceral response to engagement, the portraits ask the viewer to reflect.

Print details: C-TYPE MATT- 26.67 x 17.79" (Portraits) 40"x26.7" (Landscapes)